Rose Gold
Drama (10min play)
On the night of Avery's 22nd birthday, they and their romantic partner, Jude fight for their place in their relationship after Jude's surprise gift doesn't go as planned.
Production History - Dobbin's Conservatory Workshop (May 2022)
Drama (10min play)
While moving into their first apartment post graduation, Sam and their mother unpack their trauma of growing up queer.
B.F.A. Theatre: Acting Jeanine Larson Dobbins Conservatory of Theatre and Dance (SEMO)
B.S. Mass Communications: TV&Film Southeast Missouri State University
Acting: Kitt Lavoie, Dr. Kenneth L Stilson, Roxanne Wellington, Bart Williams
Musical Theatre Voice: Dr. William Hudson, Dr. Jenna Lee Moore, Ryan Townsend
Voice / Speech / Dialect : Roxanne Wellington
Movement / Stage Combat: Bart Williams, Roxanne Wellington
Musical Theatre Dance: Courtney Young, Susan Collier, Chris Terven
Directing: Kitt Lavoie, Dr. Kenneth L Stilson
Playwriting / Screenwriting: Kitt Lavoie, Fred Jones, Jenn Reichert,
TV / Film: Fred Jones, Dr. James Dufek, Anthony Scherer
Skills: Southern Dialect, RP Dialect, Saxophone, Conducting, Visual Arts, Graphic Design, Video Production and Editing, Motion Graphics, Can Properly Throw and Catch Baseball/Football, Swimming, Creative and Dramatic Writing, Valid Driver’s License, Good with Children and Animals, Can Grow Beard.